August 31 - September 01, 2019
Brand Neu: Let's Get Critical - Workshop "Mista Larry" presents >>Let's get critical << Workshop on Community Media and Migrantpolitanism with Nadine Jessen - founder of New Media Socialism Time: 12.00 - 13:00 pm Venue: Campfire Festival Platz des Landtags, 40221 Düsseldorf DE Die Migrantpolitan Academy ist ein experimentell-transkulturelles Talkshowformat. Nach einem offenen Austausch zwischen Kampnagel-Dramaturgin Nadine Jessen, Kurator und Migrantpolitan Host Anas Aboura und Medienaktivist Larry Macaulay präsentiert letzterer sein musikalisches Essay „Lagos to Hamburg”: Disco, Funk und Pop der 70er & 80er angereichert mit Erinnerungen und Anekdoten aus seiner Jugend in Lagos.
EN The Migrantpolitan Academy is an experimental-transcultural talk show format. After an open discussion between Kampnagel curator Nadine Jessen, curator and Migrantpolitan host Anas Aboura and media activist Larry Macaulay, the latter presents his musical essay “Lagos to Hamburg”: disco, funk and pop of the ‘70s & ‘80s are enriched with memories and anecdotes from his youth in Lagos. Date: Thursday, August 22, 2019 at 8 PM – 11:30 PM venue: Migrantpolitan - Kampnagel - Jarrestrasse 20 / Garden, 22303 Hamburg, Germany September 19 - 21, 2019
Brand Neu: CMFE 'New Neighbours'- WorkshopThe Community Media Forum Europe organized workshop at the University of Siena 6th ECREA RADIO RESEARCH CONFERENCE COMMUNITY OUTREACH WORKSHOP - NEW NEIGHBOURS ( The workshop will help to devise a series of local activities to be promoted by community media with a view to energising and extending their engagement with migrant groups. The workshop will host 12 participants from intercultural radio/TV programmes in European community media. Time: 09.50 - 12:00 noon Venue: University of Siena - Italy. |
AuteurRefugee Radio Network Archieven
April 2024
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