This was our first fusion experience we conducted interviews with various Artist and Activist.
we hope to be there next year. Aluta continua! Europe – The Promised Land? (full video)June 23, 2015
On June 26th, 2015 the Project for Democratic Union held a panel discussion on the European refugee crisis featuring PDU’s CEO, Benjamin Zeeb, Larry Macauly, editor and head producer at Refugee Radio Network, and Monika Steinhauser of the Münchner Flüchtlingsrat. The panel was moderated by Alexander Wragge, editor at Publixphere. Refugee Radio Network ist die Stimme der Flüchtlinge. In dem Hamburger Internetradio können Migrant/innen aus Afrika und dem Nahen Osten das sagen, was andere Medien nicht veröffentlichenvon Hans Wille
AuteurRefugee Radio Network Archieven
April 2024
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